Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Bed - Adrian Schvarzstein

So, let's see, last year I organized the pictures by days, but honestly I am really lagging on my updates on my blogs, so this time it will be by performances. And this year, the first I was was: The Bed by Adrian Schvarzstein. Spanish fella, very keen on touching the ladies, lots of hair and rather comical. He really knew how to capture the audience attention, for that matter he literally grabed some of the audience for his performance, thank goodness I wasnt one of them ...

So he arrived on a sunny saturday morning in Graz. With way too much clothing by the way.

He settled himself comfortably in the Stadtpark and got ready for ...

Pictures ...

Well, let me tell you a little story. The girl that is taking the previous picture is somebody I saw a year ago, but never met until now. Ok, so the deal is that in last year's LaStrada I found her in a show also taking pictures, and somehow I managed to take one of my favourite pictures of the show, which I entitled: El Escape de Dulcinea (Dulcinea's Flight). I like that picture so much that is actually the wallpaper in my phone. Anyhow, after one year I saw this girl again and I couldnt but approach her and ask her to visit my site. And well, I had the chance to take a funny picture of her in her photographing duties:

Ok, back to Adrian, so he uses the public as props:

This lady had the unfortunate pleasure of being caught by Mr. Schvarzstein's eye, and somehow ...

she ended up in his bed .... in public. :P

After .... disposing of her, Mr Schvarzstein, as a good gentleman told us to leave,

but since we didnt, he left, with the distressed lady on his side ...

Alright, im ridiculously tired, I will update more performances tomorrow. Night!

Friday, July 27, 2007

LaStrada 2007 Begins!

LaStrada 2007 begins today. I am not sure whether I will go to the inauguration, but I will definitely have a lot of pics the coming week.